On Wednesday, 10th April ten students from St Patrick's College, Campbelltown joined Dorchester Education and Training Unit (ETU) female students in a Gala Day at Reiby Juvenile Justice Centre.
The Dorchester girls fully embraced the opportunity to play sport, chat and display some of the skills they had acquired whilst being inside the Reiby JJC.
The aim of the Gala Day was to promote the students to form relationships and develop empathy and a sense of responsibility towards students they might not typically engage with. Students working with their peers in activities that explored social and physical skills focusing on confidence–building and social values.
The outstanding result of the girl's interaction was obvious to the staff in attendance. The young women enjoyed a morning of volleyball and netball before inviting the St Patrick's girls into their coffee shop where they hosted the visitors to a morning tea and lunch prepared by the Dorchester students in the TAFE Bakery and Barista programs.
The St Patrick's guests were also treated to a ceremony in the Dorchester ETU Aboriginal Learning Circle. Dorchester staff and students explained the cultural importance of the site and its power in enhancing indigenous values and traditions in their personal development. Dorchester relieving Principal Alexandra Stylis reflected on the success of the day stating, "How wonderful it was to observe the Dorchester girls completely forget their daily challenges. The smiles on their faces as they engaged with the St Pat's girls in such a normal, nonthreatening teenage manner was priceless." Ms Stylis also praised the St Pat's girls for the empathy and kindness they displayed towards their adolescent peers. "They were an outstanding group of young women who were non–judgmental and just happy to see our girls have fun. There was a wonderful connectedness that will certainly increase the self–esteem and confidence of our young women."
The St Patrick's College team of students was made up of year 12 students, many of which occupy positions on the College's Leadership Team. Accompanying the young ladies was Year 12 Coordinator Mr Paul Ashkar who observed the mutual respect of the students and the benefits for all involved. Mr Ashkar commented on the girl's acceptance and sensitivity displayed towards each other. "These activities are aligned with the school's strong promotion of the Good Samaritan Benedictine values which guide St Patrick's College. These girls have embraced this. I am also positive that our girls will go home with a greater appreciation of their own lives." As the St Pat's students presented gifts to the Dorchester girls before departing, no–one seemed to care about the results of the sporting games. St Patrick's College Captain Stephanie Ellsmore addressed the group thanking them for their hospitality and friendship. She reinforced to the Dorchester students that they possessed great skills and to stay positive. It is hoped that regular visits can be expanded to incorporate other learning areas in the future. Students working together like this provide a powerful "you are not alone" sense of understanding for the Dorchester girls. They help relinquish attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours.